Every action has a social impact
At PIC, our commitment to CARE is driven by the principle: “It has to matter.” We aim for every campaign and action to positively impact individuals and the planet. Beyond advising clients, we communicate in ways that foster positivity and understanding, striving to make a meaningful difference in every interaction.
Unamos (2001 – Present)
UNAMOS unites individuals, organizations, and institutions to address rights violations faced by socially excluded children and adolescents. We develop a comprehensive model of prevention, care, and intervention, fostering values like unity, family, and solidarity. Founded in October 2001 after the events of September 11, UNAMOS organized “Unamos al Mundo por la Vida” (Uniting the World for Life) on October 7, 2001, in Caracas. This 12-hour event with 70,000 attendees celebrated life and committed to building a better Venezuela.
“Unamos al Mundo por la Vida”
UNAMOS emerged to advocate for children in high-risk situations, often called “street-involved children.” In 2003, we launched Telecorazón, an unprecedented nationwide event in Venezuela, coordinating simultaneous broadcasts across various media to raise funds for our programs. Thanks to widespread support.
UNAMOS continues to strengthen and expand its initiatives, tirelessly working to fulfill its mission with increasing effectiveness.
Make Your Own Peace
We developed MYOP (Make Your Own Peace), a unique platform empowering individuals to contribute to global peace through their own actions. Recognizing music as a universal tool for fostering peace, MYOP offers a diverse catalog of options for supporting meaningful causes. This allows people to promote peace in ways that resonate with their values and passions, actively shaping a more peaceful world.
“Peace begins with kindness”
Venezuela es mucho mas
VENEZUELA ES MUCHO MAS (Venezuela is Much More) aims to amplify the voices of truth and peace, highlighting the genuine values of the nation and its people. This initiative celebrated the profound virtues of Venezuela through art and music, becoming the fourth top trending topic on Twitter worldwide.
It showcased the vibrant and authentic spirit of Venezuela, uniting and inspiring many.
About Us
Fields of expertise
The Room
Miami, USA
8150 SW 72nd Ave Suite 1846 Miami Fl 33143
Phone: +1 954 302 7170
Dominicana, República Dominicana
Avenida Lope de Vega 59, local B-10, 2do. Piso, sector Naco.
Phone: +1 8097 328050 / +1 809 2344010
Caracas, Venezuela
Avenida Principal del Bosque, Torre Credicard, Piso 1, Oficicina 11. Chacaito, Caracas.
Phone: +58 212 993 3983
San Salvador, El Salvador
Ave. Las Camelias y calle Los Castaños N. 17, Oficina 23, San Salvador.
Phone: +503 2555 9399
Madrid, España
Calle Jaén 28 Bajo B, Madrid, Madrid, 28020
Phone: +34 655 915 696