Starting with the right strategy

At PIC, we begin with in-depth research and analysis to develop effective strategies. Our specialized expertise is key to creating impactful communications for your target audience, bridging analysis and strategy to build your reputation.

Wholesome research



What we offer

Think tank

Focus group

Situation room

Strategic analysis

Communication consulting


At PIC, we believe a successful campaign starts with thorough research and advanced technology to understand the market and target audience. We have developed the PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS CYCLE, a streamlined five-step process that ensures a favorable outcome. At its core, the foundation of our final product lies in a comprehensive understanding of the audience we are addressing.

we’ll guide you through each stage of this comprehensive process

Situation analysis

Conduct a strategic evaluation of internal communication and data-gathering capacities, identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Behaviour research

Build the factors of mobility of the electorate and the mixed feelings that generate adhesion or movement of preference.

Data analysis and model

Enrich data and model the right path to achieve greater electoral adhesion.

Comminication strategy

Build effectivve communication plan and strategy with its different deliverables

Campaign products

Produce in partnership all the necessary products and media strategies to achieve greater message effectiveness

Partners in action

We’ve been fortunate to work with exceptional professionals in our think division, who remain available to join our team as needed. Their expertise in analysis and strategy ensures we consistently provide top-tier service.

Beatrice Rangel

Government / Private consulting

International business executive with extensive experience in corporate investment, acquisitions, and negotiation strategies.

Alexis Ortiz

Journalist / Political advisor

Venezuelan writer, historian, journalist, spokesperson, political leader, and elections advisor, won the Cervantes Award in 2011.

Alfredo Keller

Pollster / Strategic advisor

President of Alfredo Keller and Associates. Advisor to UPLA’s World Council and the Interamerican Center of Political Management.

José Antonio Gil Yépez

Pollster / Strategic advisor

Venezuelan sociologist, President of Datanalisis, and former IESA professor. Advisor to many campaigns and governments.

Estrategic allies


About Us


Fields of expertise

The Room








Miami, USA

8150 SW 72nd Ave Suite 1846 Miami Fl 33143
Phone: +1 954 302 7170

Dominicana, República Dominicana

Avenida Lope de Vega 59, local B-10, 2do. Piso, sector Naco.
Phone: +1 8097 328050 / +1 809 2344010

Caracas, Venezuela

Avenida Principal del Bosque, Torre Credicard, Piso 1, Oficicina 11. Chacaito, Caracas.
Phone: +58 212 993 3983

San Salvador, El Salvador

Ave. Las Camelias y calle Los Castaños N. 17, Oficina 23, San Salvador.
Phone: +503 2555 9399

Madrid, España

Calle Jaén 28 Bajo B, Madrid, Madrid, 28020
Phone: +34 655 915 696