DO /

Actions that determine reputation

We push boundaries with revolutionary ideas that transform actions and behaviors. Our tailored solutions meet your organization’s specific needs, whether for schools or companies. We bring fresh ideas that align with your audience’s expectations.



Private Company

What we offer


Group sessions

Efficiency on process

Delivery proposal


Institutional relations

Strategic analysis

Advising and partnership development

Team Buildup

New products

Better processes

Constant monitoring results

Building the right reputation requires effective action. Our experienced team offers expertise in organizational development, team collaboration, growth structuring, and leadership guidance.

With our support, you can achieve impactful results on time.

Associated partners

Over the years, we’ve been fortunate to work with amazing professionals in our think division. We remain in close contact, and they join our team as needed. Their expertise in analysis and strategy ensures we maintain the highest standard of service.

Armando Briquet

Campaign team

Political Advisor. His expertise in campaigns is very vast going from strategies to organization in many local, regional and national races.

Beatrice Rangel

Government / Private consulting

International business executive with extensive experience in corporate investment, acquisitions, and negotiation strategies.

José Antonio Mejía

Corporate / Business development

An outstanding leader who inspires and energizes, breaking barriers and resolving complex cross-functional issues globally.

José Ignacio Guédez Yépez

Pollster / Strategic advisor

He is an essayist, poet, and writer. He received the “Juan Guillermo Irinarren” Decoration and was part of the Venezuelan opposition delegation awarded the Sakharov Prize.

Estrategic allies


About Us


Fields of expertise

The Room








Miami, USA

8150 SW 72nd Ave Suite 1846 Miami Fl 33143
Phone: +1 954 302 7170

Dominicana, República Dominicana

Avenida Lope de Vega 59, local B-10, 2do. Piso, sector Naco.
Phone: +1 8097 328050 / +1 809 2344010

Caracas, Venezuela

Avenida Principal del Bosque, Torre Credicard, Piso 1, Oficicina 11. Chacaito, Caracas.
Phone: +58 212 993 3983

San Salvador, El Salvador

Ave. Las Camelias y calle Los Castaños N. 17, Oficina 23, San Salvador.
Phone: +503 2555 9399

Madrid, España

Calle Jaén 28 Bajo B, Madrid, Madrid, 28020
Phone: +34 655 915 696